Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Life's Path

Life's Path - a reading (on YouTube)

I roam the dark forest,
Tossing breadcrumbs out before me.
Even with this trail to follow,
I must be careful not to cast them too far,
Lest the birds eat my markers,
And I lose my way again.

© 2017 Edward P. Morgan III


  1. --------------------------------
    Notes and asides:

    Similar to earlier in the year, I am posting a pair poems today and an essay related to them.

    You can find more background on this poem in the companion essay “Lughnasa 2017 – Two Short Poems” on the Noddfa Imaginings blog for essays.

  2. Picture Notes:

    Trying to find a dark wood in the middle of a Florida park in the middle of summer is a trick, to say the least. Pinellas County's second largest park sits directly behind our house. That doesn't mean there is a dark wood out there, or a narrow curving path that leads into it. Edward pointed this one out, having seen it over the years. It turns out it's nearly directly opposite the house, across the ditch and the road on the other side of our fence. Several factors had to come together for this. 1) Sunset. It doesn't work to have sunshine beaming through the canopy when you're trying to portray a dark forest. So the sun needed to be low. 2) This picture looks west, so back to sunset and a thick enough canopy to block the light from the sky. 3) I had to tip the camera down to avoid capturing bright sky, which meant it needed to be up high, at the top of my tripod. That meant I couldn't see through the viewfinder. Framing it was fun: Shoot, access, adjust, shoot again. Repeat. Lots of pictures. 4) A little post processing. The thing that made this one come together was Edward's suggestion of darkening the woods besides the path, resulting in the path popping out, with light in the distance. All that leads the eye into the back of the image, giving it depth and interest, as well as lets the viewer wonder what might be found ahead.
