Monday, August 21, 2017


Forest - a reading (on YouTube)

A dark and brooding forest,
Not the yellow-green of spring reborn,
The bruise of evergreens in snow.

A thousand voices whisper through the needles,
A thousand ghosts released by winter’s wind,
The ghosts of a thousand ancient trees.

Grey-dun owls perch on grey-dun branches,
Grey-dun shadows waiting to descend,
Taloned ghosts riding the voices of a whisper,

To unsuspecting prey.

© 2017 Edward P. Morgan III


  1. --------------------------------
    Notes and asides:

    I found pieces of this one in my drafts folders when I was reorganizing back in May. I culled others from a file I keep of lines I’ve posted or jotted down but haven’t used. Together, they seemed to create a whole.

  2. Picture Notes:

    This picture was taken on a trip to Seattle in 1995. We were on the Olympic Peninsula, in the Hoh Rainforest, one of the one of the largest temperate rainforests in the US (Wiki). This picture was taken with my original Pentax using film. I darkened the scene up a little and cut out some of the sky. I also used a mask to desaturated (remove some of the color) from the edges, to lead the eye to the center of the image.
