Thursday, September 5, 2019


I’m tired of vaccines being unsettled science.
I’m tired of climate change not being real.
I’m tired of radiocarbon dating not being accurate.
I’m tired of breast cancer being cured by sprouted bread.

I'm tired of GMO crops being a tool of mass starvation.
I'm tired of fluoride being used to poison the population.
I'm tired of the Chinese being backward because of their pictographic language.
I'm tired of assault weapons not killing kids in school.

I’m tired.

I'm tired of the press being the enemy of the people.
I’m tired of all government employees being irredeemably corrupt.
I'm tired of the First Amendment only applying to God-fearing Christians.
I’m tired of praying for Supreme Court justices to die.

I'm tired of abortion being murder, and murder justifying murder.
I’m tired of supporting Israel to bring on the Apocalypse.
I’m tired of affordable care being fascism but putting kids in cages being perfectly ok.
I'm tired of God's law trumping the U.S. Constitution.

I'm tired, just tired.

I’m tired of the Holocaust denial.
I’m tired of the Earth being 6000 years old.
I’m tired of exhaustive wifely duties.
I'm tired of women lying about being raped.

I’m tired of gays being pedophiles.
I’m tired of roleplaying games being the gateway to Satanism.
I’m tired of being alone in Heaven because my entire family is going to Hell.
I'm tired of demons who walk the earth.

I’m tired of hearing it.

I’m tired of being gaslighted.
I’m tired of being brainwashed.
I’m tired of battling Stockholm Syndrome.
I’m tired of being scared.

I’m tired of the conspiracy theories.
I’m tired of the lies.
I’m tired of the hypocrisy.
I’m tired of being saved,

In God’s name.
I am so very, very tired.

© 2019 Edward P. Morgan III  


  1. I can relate to how tired and beat up you feel.

  2. Picture notes:

    I have to admit the idea for the rosary was one I saw on Amazon. The concept for the picture was to drape a rosary over the Bible, so I started looking for where I could find one. I figured I might catch fire if I tried to get one at the local cathedral's gift store, so I was looking on Amazon for one I might be able to use. That's when I came across one with skull beads. Shoot I can do that. The local Micheals provided the skull beads and the local Joanne's the cross. Google 'rosary' and I had all the information I needed to make one, for about half the cost.

    The bible was a wedding present. It actually has our name embossed on the front. Only the Mr. And Mrs. is visible. That's on purpose. It took several tries to get the beads positioned the way I wanted them, both compositionally and physically. The cover of the bible is slippery and they kept shifting. I used the point and shoot Canon camera to get the framing right, then switched to the big camera for the final shots. All this on a hot afternoon on the porch, my new go to place for good light. After that it only needed a little cropping to finish up.

    1. A Bible to you as a wedding gift? My eyes are wide and nearly popping out of my head.
      No disrespect to you two but to the giver . . .
