Friday, July 12, 2019


That moment you are sitting at dinner, silently dividing up the friends
The house
The cats

That moment you discover the people watching you aren’t friends
Aren’t acquaintances
Are more an audience

That moment you are ready to pull the trigger on a brand-new life
In a brand-new place
With brand-new friends

That moment you realize you have spent your entire life waiting
Waiting for life to begin
Waiting for life to end

That moment you picture how the next moment will unfold
A moment of perfect happiness
A moment free of pain

When that stranger you met once at a farmer’s market
That cat curled against your side
That unexpected phone call

Breaks the cycle of your obsession
Clutches your hand and
Pries your finger free

Leaving you to wonder
What almost happened.

© 2019 Edward P. Morgan III  


  1. -------------------------------
    Notes & Asides:

    I started and completed this one this week, though the inspiration behind it was four years in the making. It began with a single line that came to me as I was reading, then a couple more before I went to sleep, and finally the bulk of the structure at 4 a.m. The next day, it came together fairly quickly.

    To be a writer you have to be willing to tell the truth. This is one of mine.

  2. Picture Notes:

    This was an opportunity shot. We were sitting on the bed when Nyala was being playful. I’m not even sure which camera I used. It was taken in the late afternoon when there was a lot of light coming through the windows to get a clear shot. All it needed was a little cropping. Sometimes the right picture is one you took years before you know you needed it.
