Monday, March 20, 2017


Clouds - a reading (on YouTube)

My vision softens
To foggy and indistinct.

A world of white covers my eyes
With silent fields and peaceful mountains,
No turmoil, indecision, or regret.

The edge of the world is a crystal lake
Reflecting lost promise and desire,
Forgotten dreams piled upon its snowy shore.

Beneath its broken surface,
Glimpses of the real world move.

© 2017 Edward P. Morgan III


  1. As at Imbolc, I am posting a poem here and an essay related to it.

    You can find more background on this poem in the companion essay “Spring Equinox 2017 – Clouds” on the Noddfa Imaginings blog for essays.

  2. Picture Notes:

    This picture was taken on our return flight from the oblique photography mission we flew after Hurricane Sandy in 2012, taken somewhere over South Carolina. We had finished the survey, refueled, and, headed home. The storm was long gone, it had been over a week since landfall, and the regular winter weather pattern was reestablishing itself. We were dodging fronts and thunderstorms. The clouds were beautiful. I’d originally named this one, Mountains in the Sky. It seemed perfect for the poem, Clouds.
