Wednesday, May 30, 2012


(Edward P. Morgan, Jr. 5/30/37-5/19/12)

I grew from your departures.
I was 11 when you left the house,
         13 when you left the country,
         16 when you left my life.
Or so I thought.

Then at each transition,
I longed to have you there,
To be proud
Of the child you left behind.
Perhaps, you would take me home again.

Now, the departures
Outnumber the returns.
When I was younger,
Your return was my salvation.
Older now, I feel abandoned by my god.

© 1996 Edward P. Morgan III


  1. --------------------------------
    Notes and asides:

    As you can see from the copyright, I wrote this many years before my father died, though it still captures part of how I feel, and I guess it always will. It just seemed fitting to post it on what would have been his 75th birthday.

  2. Picture notes:

    I can't tell you exactly when or where this picture was taken, other than at a Navy yard. I believe that is a ballistic missile being loaded onto a submarine tender in the background.

    I found it while I was cleaning out his office, along with a number of photos from before he was divorced. The only ones of me or my sister were from before he left the house. I guess I should take solace that there were any of us at all.
